Jedná se o vylepšení statistik zbraní a brnění pomocí speciálních svitků Scroll: Enchant Weapon a Scroll: Enchant armor.Při prvním úspěšném použití scrollu na zbraň/zbroj se u jména objeví +1,při druhém +2 atd. a zvýší se statistiky(P.atk,P.def,M.atk,M.def).Jsou tu však rizika: Na většině serverů je bezpečný enchant do +3,potom je už šance že se zbraň rozbije na Crystaly(některé servery mohou mít zvýšenou či sníženou šanci),pokud se Vám povede enchant na +4 ,začne zbraň lehce zářit,s větším enchantem září víc,nejdříve modře a následně červeně(jsou i servery s jiným zbarvením,ale toto je základní).Jsou i speciální svitky Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon/Armor u kterého se zbraň/zbroj nerozbije pokud enchant selže,jen ztratí všechna dosavadní + a bude zase v základní verzi.
Přehled komentářů
Ahoj, kde si vylepším zbran? kam musím jit ( lvl30)
(Greathor, 8. 9. 2007 15:23)
Zdravim, musim se postavit na stranu tech co rikaji ze zadny program na enchanty neexistuje. Hra je vytvorena tak, ze pomoci pravdepodobnosti vygeneruje jestli se vam enchant povedl je to zcela nahodne. Na 100% enchant existuji ve hre 2 scrolly: blessed enchant weapon (grade d,c,b,a,s)
: crystal enchant weapon (grade d,c,b,a,s)
Pri pouziti blessed enchantu je pravdepodobnost ze se nevydari ale zbran nerupne!
U crystal enchantu je pravdepodobnost 100% na uspesnost, nic nemuze rupnout.
Program na generovani Aden take neni. To same cheaty na l2 nejsou.
kdyz pouzivate program na expeni (l2 walker) tak na to GMka stejne prijdou. Pri kazdem prihlaseni do hry totiz vas pocitac odesle svoje IP. Pokud pouzivate i walker, IP se neodesle, ale vase herni cislo na serveru ano. napr mate ip: 333 333 333 a cislo 3434.
pri walkeru odeslete jen to cislo co je v databazi serveru 3434. Admini slusnych serveru po nejake dobe toto kontroluji.
Pravdepodobnost ze s programem uspejete je mala, techto programu je malo, a na kazdy se da prijit.
P.S. Crystal enchanty se nedaji dropnout, jedna se jen o cenu z eventu apod.
P.P.S. na nekterych z vas je videt ze o hre lineage 2 moc nevite. celkem pekne si vymyslite a matete tak ty, ktere na tyto stranky prisli pro pravdivou pomoc, ne pro nejake kecy zlomyslnych lidi, ktere jim nepomohou!
Re: dotaz na enchant
(fr4g, 30. 6. 2011 10:38)je to pravda ale ta sance je asi kolem 2-3% ;)
dotaz na enchant
(TwejxiSCZ, 27. 3. 2011 23:41)mam otazku, je pravda ze crafti maji vetsi sanci na uspech enchantu nebo to je kec?
(Morfeus, 18. 12. 2010 23:21)Nevite nejakej bug na ench treba aby vychazel na 90% ale at to hlavne neni hlapex a phx
rada radovi :D
(sssss, 8. 12. 2010 9:32)mno tak na CH4 blessed enchant ziskas na RB :D nwm kde hrajes ty
rada jen 1
(rada pls, 10. 8. 2010 16:44)
pls nevite kde nejrychlej zistam blessed enchant pls co nejdriv
RE:help help
(LaCroix, 18. 5. 2010 10:12)Detailnejsi popis neni moc potreba, staci mi enchantovaci svitek, kliknout na zbran a dat Ok :-)
Re:Crystal scroll
(LaCroix, 18. 5. 2010 10:11)Pokud vim tak to je jen jiny nazev pro normalni enchant, takze ti zbran muze prasknout.
(Postal, 6. 5. 2010 14:29)Prosim kdys mam crystal scrol encheat a nepovede se mi tak mi zbran zmizne nebo ne prosim poradte co nejdriv
help help
(Dragox, 27. 1. 2010 10:31)mas tu fakt husti stranky ale mohl by tu byt detailnejsi popis jak enchatovat nikde sem ho nenasel a tak by si to mohl hodit tady
encheat skilu
(michal , 3. 12. 2009 14:48)prosim poradte kde si mam viencheatovat skilly tema knizkama giant book
(aafaf, 30. 10. 2009 0:12)
Start Faris 30x servru!
Český server Faris, předchůdce ValakAntu, spuští nový server.
Tento server běží na vlastní distribuci, která započala na L2J Oficial.
Můžeme nabídnout férovou hru, automaticky banujeme externí programy typu PHX, …
Většina známých Interlude bugů je opravena, na datapack vývoji také aktivně pracujeme.
Kromě administrátora nemá v týmu právo na enchant, free full gmshop, item create apod. takže zaručujeme server bez supportu.
Rate jsou následujicí:
XP: 30x
SP: 30x
Adena: 15x
Party XP: 2x
Drop: 10x
Drop materiálu: 50x
Spoil: 100x
Drop Quest: 5x
Drop RB: 5x
Start Adena: 5,000,000
GMShop NG, D, C, spotřební zboží, hair, l2day buff svitky
A / S Klasicky
MP potiony zrušeny, nahrazeny 900%regenerací MP
Doba buffů 2 hodiny
Sub & Nobless Sub bez questu, Nobless quest/event
GMShop NG, D, C, spotřební zboží, hair
a mnoho dalšího!
START SERVERU: 30. ŘÍJNA 2009, 12:00
Enchantovani 4. cast
(Greathor, 28. 10. 2007 12:12)
B Sword of Delusion*Tsurugi Maximum HP will increase by 25%.
B Sword of Limit*Sword of Delusion Maximum HP will increase by 25%.
B Sword of Limit*Sword of Limit P. Atk. will increase by 127 during a critical attack.
B Sword of Limit*Sword of Nightmare Critical will increase by 54.
B Sword of Limit*Tsurugi Atk. Spd. will increase by 5%.
B Sword of Nightmare*Sword of Nightmare Critical will increase by 54.
B Sword of Nightmare*Tsurugi Atk. Spd. will increase by 5%.
B Tsurugi*Tsurugi Critical will increase by 54.
B Katana*Samurai Long Sword P. Atk. will increase by 106 during a critical attack.
B Raid Sword*Samurai Long Sword Critical will increase by 43.
B Shamshir*Samurai Long Sword Accuracy will increase by 3.
B Spirit Sword*Samurai Long Sword Maximum HP will increase by 25%.
B Caliburs*Samurai Long Sword Atk. Spd. will increase by 5%.
B Sword of Delusion*Samurai Long Sword P. Atk. will increase by 133 during a critical attack.
B Sword of Limit*Samurai Long Sword Accuracy will increase by 3.
B Sword of Nightmare*Samurai Long Sword Maximum HP will increase by 25%.
B Tsurugi*Samurai Long Sword Critical will increase by 52.
B Samurai Long Sword*Samurai Long Sword Atk. Spd. will increase by 4%.
A Keshanberk*Keshanberk Atk. Spd. will increase by 8%. Inflicts additional damage to target during PvP.
A Keshanberk*Damascus Maximum HP will increase by 25% as well. Enhances damage to target during PvP.
A Damascus*Damascus Accuracy will increase by 6. Enhances damage to target during PvP.
S Tallum Blade*Dark Legion's Edge MaxHP +15%, MaxMP +20%, MaxCP +30% when enchanted by 4 or more. Also enhances damage to target during PvP.
enchantovani 3. cast
(Greathor, 28. 10. 2007 12:12)
B Stormbringer*Caliburs Accuracy will increase by 5.
B Stormbringer*Sword of Delusion Maximum HP will increase by 25%.
B Stormbringer*Sword of Limit P. Atk will increase by 166 during a critical attack.
B Stormbringer*Sword of Nightmare Critical will increase by 76.
B Stormbringer*Tsurugi Atk. Spd. will increase by 7%.
B Katana*Caliburs Accuracy will increase by 4.
B Katana*Sword of Delusion Maximum HP will increase by 25%.
B Katana*Sword of Limit P. Atk. will increase by 146 during a critical attack.
B Katana*Sword of Nightmare Critical will increase by 65.
B Katana*Tsurugi Atk. Spd. will increase by 6%.
B Raid Sword*Caliburs Accuracy will increase by 4.
B Raid Sword*Sword of Delusion Maximum HP will increase by 25%.
B Raid Sword*Sword of Limit P. Atk. will increase by 146 during a critical attack.
B Raid Sword*Sword of Nightmare Critical will increase by 65.
B Raid Sword*Tsurugi Atk. Spd. will increase by 6%.
B Shamshir*Caliburs Accuracy will increase by 4.
B Shamshir*Sword of Delusion Maximum HP will increase by 25%.
B Shamshir*Sword of Limit P. Atk. will increase by 146 during a critical attack.
B Shamshir*Sword of Nightmare Critical will increase by 65.
B Shamshir*Tsurugi Atk. Spd. will increase by 6%.
B Spirit Sword*Caliburs Accuracy will increase by 4.
B Spirit Sword*Sword of Delusion Maximum HP will increase by 25%.
B Spirit Sword*Sword of Limit P. Atk. will increase by 146 during a critical attack.
B Spirit Sword*Sword of Nightmare Critical will increase by 65.
B Spirit Sword*Tsurugi Atk. Spd. will increase by 6%.
B Caliburs*Caliburs P. Atk. will increase by 127 during a critical attack.
B Caliburs*Sword of Delusion Critical will increase by 54.
B Caliburs*Sword of Limit Maximum HP will increase by 25%.
B Caliburs*Sword of Nightmare Atk. Spd. will increase by 5%.
B Caliburs*Tsurugi Accuracy will increase by 4.
B Stormbringer*Samurai Long sword Accuracy will increase by 4.
B Sword of Delusion*Sword of Delusion Accuracy will increase by 4.
B Sword of Delusion*Sword of Nightmare P. Atk. will increase by 127 during a critical attack.
enchantovani 2. cast
(Greathor, 28. 10. 2007 12:11)
Seznam schopnosti dualu pri enchanataci na +4 a vice
gr. jmeno spec.schop
C Crimson Sword*Elven Long Sword Accuracy will increase by 2.
C Elven Sword*Elven Long Sword P. Atk will increase by 61 during a critical attack.
C Sword of Revolution*Sword of Revolution Maximum HP will increase by 25%.
C Sword of Revolution*Elven Long Sword Critical Attack will increase by 50.
C Elven Long Sword*Elven Long Sword Atk. Spd. will increase by 4%.
C Stormbringer*Stormbringer Accuracy will increase by 2.
C Stormbringer*Katana Maximum HP will increase by 25%.
C Stormbringer*Raid Sword Atk. Spd. will increase by 2%.
C Stormbringer*Shamshir P. Atk. will increase by 49 during a critical attack.
C Stormbringer*Spirit Sword Critical attack will increase by 24.
C Katana*Katana Atk. Spd. will increase by 4%.
C Katana*Raid Sword P. Atk. will increase by 84 during a critical attack.
C Katana*Spirit Sword Accuracy will increase by 2.
C Raid Sword*Raid Sword Atk. Spd. will increase by 4%.
C Shamshir*Katana P. Atk. will increase by 84 during a critical attack.
C Shamshir*Raid Sword Critical will increase by 40.
C Shamshir*Shamshir Accuracy will increase by 2.
C Shamshir*Spirit Sword Maximum HP will increase by 25%.
C Spirit Sword*Raid Sword Critical will increase by 40.
C Spirit Sword*Spirit Sword Maximum HP will increase by 25%.
(LaCroix, 14. 9. 2007 11:40)
Děkuji Greathorovi za smysluplny prispevek, ktery toho dost objasnuje a zvetsuje znalosti L2 hracu:-)
P.S. Doufam ze P.P.S neni mysleno na me:-))
(Tef, 14. 5. 2015 20:06)